115,306 people were assisted by a Specialist Homelessness Services in Victoria
- 61% were female
- 39% were male
- 30% had mental health issues
- 10% were Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander
- 60% were returning clients
- 46% experienced family and domestic violence
- 36% were children and young people (aged 0-24 years)
19,117 young people aged 15-24 years received assistance from a SHS in Victoria
- 17% were employed on some basis at the beginning of their support
- 5% were enrolled in education or training at the start of support
- 4% were employed by the end of their support period
- 33% received assistance from a SHS in Victoria
40,000 people were homeless when they presented at a SHS in Victoria
- 21% exited to some form of secure housing at the end of their support
50,839 households on the Victorian Housing Register waitlist (at March 2021)
- Social Housing in Victoria, Consultation Paper 1 – Background and scoping paper, Social Housing Regulation Review, June 2021.